A new discovery, the evidence of 42,000-year-old human occupation of the Tanimbar islands and its implications for the Sunda-Sahul early human migration – New evidence of human occupation in southeast Indonesia dating back 42,000 years offers fresh clues on the route taken by some of the first humans to arrive in the region, according to a study from The Australian National University (ANU).

Lead author and ANU PhD candidate Hendri Kaharudin said the location of the discovery — at Elivavan on Indonesia’s Tanimbar islands — makes it especially significant.

“Tanimbar is located just off the ‘Sahul shelf’, which encompasses modern-day Australia, as well as New Guinea,” he said.

“The question of how our early ancestors arrived there from Southeast Asia is one of the most captivating in prehistoric migration, mainly because of the vast distances covered and advanced seafaring skills that would have been required.

“There are two main routes that have been explored as possibilities since the mid-20th century – a northern path via islands like Sulawesi, and a southern track passing near Timor and the Tanimbar islands.

“This discovery marks one of the southern route’s earliest known sites, making it a crucial piece of the puzzle.”

According to the researchers, while there are still unanswered questions about Elivavan’s first inhabitants, the risky nature of the sea crossings suggests the colonists had developed advanced maritime technology by around 42,000 years ago.

“They would have had to traverse bodies of water exceeding 100 kilometres in distance, regardless of their direction of travel,” Mr Kaharudin said.

“Along with tiny fragments of pottery we also found evidence of things like bones, shells and sea urchins that point to the island’s role as a hub for early maritime activities.

“As more work is done in lesser-explored regions like the Tanimbar islands, I expect we’ll uncover more about early human life and migration patterns.”

Mr Kaharudin said it’s also clear the colonisation of Sahul was not a single event but “a gradual process involving successive waves of seafaring populations”.

“Coastal communities likely navigated shorelines, exploiting marine resources and establishing resilient settlements along their journey,” he said.

“This island-hopping strategy facilitated cultural exchange and adaptation, shaping diverse societies across the land mass.”

The study was conducted in collaboration with Indonesia’s National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The research team also included Professor Sue O’Connor and Dr Shimona Kealy from ANU.

The research has been published in Quaternary Science Reviews (QSR). 


Bibliographic information:

Islands on the edge: 42,000-year-old occupation of the Tanimbar islands and its implications for the Sunda-Sahul early human migration discourse, Quaternary Science Reviews (18-Jul-2024), DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108834

Map of Wallacea, delineating Birdsell's northern and southern migration routes. The map also highlights the oldest Pleistocene sites on each island. Along the northern route, the following sites are indicated: 1) Leang Karampuang, Leang Tedongnge, and Leang Bulu Sipong 4, 2) Goa Topogaro, 3) Leang Sarru, 4) Daeo 2, 5) Golo, and 6) Kelo 6. On the southern route, the following sites are highlighted: 7) Liang Bua, 8) Lua Meko, 9) Makpan, 10) Laili, 11) Asitau Kuru, Lene Hara, Matja Kuru 2, 12) Here Sorot Entapa, and 13) Elivavan. The last two sites represent connections to Sahul: 14) Leang Lemdubu, currently in the Aru Islands but once connected to the mainland during the Pleistocene, and 15) Madjedbebe, the oldest known site in Sahul. Credits: Kaharudin et al. 2024, CC BY 4.0
Map of Wallacea, delineating Birdsell’s northern and southern migration routes. The map also highlights the oldest Pleistocene sites on each island. Along the northern route, the following sites are indicated: 1) Leang Karampuang, Leang Tedongnge, and Leang Bulu Sipong 4, 2) Goa Topogaro, 3) Leang Sarru, 4) Daeo 2, 5) Golo, and 6) Kelo 6. On the southern route, the following sites are highlighted: 7) Liang Bua, 8) Lua Meko, 9) Makpan, 10) Laili, 11) Asitau Kuru, Lene Hara, Matja Kuru 2, 12) Here Sorot Entapa, and 13) Elivavan. The last two sites represent connections to Sahul: 14) Leang Lemdubu, currently in the Aru Islands but once connected to the mainland during the Pleistocene, and 15) Madjedbebe, the oldest known site in Sahul. Picture Credits: Kaharudin et al. 2024, CC BY 4.0

Press release from The Australian National University – ANU.

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